Well the good news is uninstalling xCode and reinstalling it via the App Store worked. Brew doctor no longer throws that warning, but it threw a couple of warnings related to Python. I've uninstalled it and I'm running brew doctor again. Hopefully that will get it. It found some other things it didn't like very much either. I hope they're related to Python, but if they weren't I know I was messing around with some commandline stuff and node a couple of years ago, it's probably left over from that, but I'm too afraid to delete it incase I break something. I may just ignore it for now, it's just warnings, not errors at this point. Jekyll here I come!
Jekyll is installing now. I can't wait to get it going. While I'm waiting I'm still working on Scope & Closures from YDKJS.
Jekyll's in, Kramdown is in, Rouge is in.
I found a great site that seems to be basically Jekyll for Dummies. :) CloudCannon
Unebelievably I've been at this over an hour now. No code written, I did work through some Java problems for my Algorithm course through Coursera today though. My brain is fried. I'm still pushing towards my goal though so I'm satisfied, well satisfied enough anyways.
Jekyll is installing now. I can't wait to get it going. While I'm waiting I'm still working on Scope & Closures from YDKJS.
Jekyll's in, Kramdown is in, Rouge is in.
I found a great site that seems to be basically Jekyll for Dummies. :) CloudCannon
Unebelievably I've been at this over an hour now. No code written, I did work through some Java problems for my Algorithm course through Coursera today though. My brain is fried. I'm still pushing towards my goal though so I'm satisfied, well satisfied enough anyways.