Thursday, January 4, 2018

I'm concerned about getting an hour in of actual coding. I'm working on things for it, but I'm so not at a place where I can just sit down and start coding something. I started today by reviewing ruby so I could use Jekyll to put my blog on Github. I looked at Ruby, found out I need, or should have, a package manager. The Ruby website recommended Homebrew so I went there. I'm in the process of installing Homebrew, but that entire world is so foreign to me. I read through a bunch of the information on the Homebrew site, but even that is more advanced so I googled for some guidance or an overview. I found this great little article called Homebrew Demystified. I feel so much better now. The article was so helpful I wanted to get this down before it got lost in the shuffle. I'm still waiting on Terminal to finish installing Homebrew so I'll go back to my YDKJS book. Up and Going suggested I jump to Scope & Closures so I'm working through that one now. I figure even if I'm not actually coding at least I'm working towards getting myself to a better coding place. I have two different ideas for apps I'd like to build. The first I think will do well starting life as a webapp. I looked briefly at what it takes to build a webapp from scratch and it seems like I am a loooooong ways from there still. I'm going to start planning one of them out properly tonight though. Again, not actual code, but working towards my coding goals nonetheless.

Homebrew installed! ran brew doctor, apparently my xCode is way out of date. *sigh So I went to the App Store to update xCode as Homebrew told me I could. It said there was a new update to developer tools today to 9.2 which is exactly what Homebrew told me I needed. Sweet! Homebrew was still unhappy so I closed the Terminal window and then Terminal to start a whole new session. Still out of date... :( WTF Dude!? I did a reboot. Still out of date. Checked the App Store again, but this time I searched for xCode and apparently it's not installed... Ummmm... Okay Google, what say you?

So, apparently if I installed xCode in this magical way that wasn't through the App Store Mac hates me. Happily, Google also said I can just delete xCode from the Application folder and all will be right with the world.
Keep your fingers crossed for me...
It's deleted, I even closed Terminal just to be on the safe side.
"brew doctor" is running...
Bah! Still out of date. Now what? Lets install it from the App Store then. It's got 17+ hours left. I guess I don't get everything done on my computer tonight. On the plus side, I can still go work on my app thumbnails and functionality design.

Stupid computer... lol

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